It's time to focus on workplace well-being

Scrypt, Inc. has created Workarma to help employees navigate the principles of well-being and match them with employers who prioritize wellness over wealth.

It's time to focus on workplace well-being
Article by
Aleks Szymanski
Article Date
January 24, 2024

Let's face it: the work has fundamentally changed. How we work, where we perform, and the expectations of the workplace experience have altered forever.

Today, employees often feel undervalued and ready to leave any organization that fails to appreciate their needs. Meanwhile, on the other side of the equation, corporations are wrestling with changing market conditions and seeking to introduce new controls and working regimes.

According to the ongoing research for JLL, workplace wellbeing is more important to employees than ever. Employees crave connection to community and purpose; hybrid working is here to stay.

Across the board, industry data shows that organizations prioritizing well-being ensure better recruitment and retention, employee engagement, productivity, and performance.

Scrypt, Inc. has created Workarma to help navigate the principles of well-being to match employees with employers who put wellness before wealth.

Aleks Szymanski, President of Scrypt, Inc., noted: "I've spent the last three decades leading organizations in the UK, Europe, and Asia, helping start-ups, high-growth ventures, and large corporations. I have always strived to create the right ingredients for success, but now I haven't always got it right. More than ever, people matter. Workarma has been created to help job seekers find employers who value well-being as they do."